Wise Meetings

Back Story

☑️ Luis (CTO) has been working in the Industry for 30+ years and Santiago (Founder) has been involve in the industry for almost 10 years now. We witness the problem first hand. Andres as Latinx Software engineer suffer this reality all their lives.

☑️ We are Latin Americans, born in Bogota Colombia. Massive enthusiastic that technology is the key to advance our beloved region. Creating the platform that will bring technology to the 68% of companies in Latam who were not able to get in 2021, is a life fulfilling prophecy for us.

This project was ideated inside High Quality Marketing Intelligence SAS, who has been successfully running operations for more than 21 years. After working and mastering the LATAM market, HQMI was able to provide consulting services to top companies of the world such as:

IT Companies
The most relevant distributors

Industry, wholesalers and channels at regional level

“ The HQ team is never required to be trained on the portfolios they a technology company offers, because its work team is advised from the Data Science area, by computer engineers with more than 25 years of experience in the IT/telco industry”

“ HQMI is highly specialized in open market for companies of technology because they design and strengthen the sales route of the IT solutions. They understand the business ”

“ HQMI has developed projects for more than 60 companies in the IT, with depth in infrastructure and HW companies such as Dell, Cisco Systems, EMC2, passing through SW companies such as CA-Broadcom, Google, SAP and several of their channels with whom we have developed projects in Colombia and the region ”

We came to realize there is a huge gap between all the tech solutions and tools in the world and most companies from Latam. Restrain by our old business models, we reached a top scalability point with over 35-45 accounts per year. Reserving our services only for top-tier players at a small scale. Even though we found comfort and success in our previous business model, motivated by:

1) The love for our beautiful region

2) Our entrepreneurial spirit

3) And the new upcoming generation

HQMI Team lunch

Junior Acct Manager

Open Market Junior

We have decided to disrupt the industry and close the gap. With the Know-how and database built over years, HQMI has decided to close this gap and bring together our beloved region with the development of a better world to come. We have adopted the top format and business models from major startups of Silicon Valley and incorporated the technology needed to scale our operation to all tech solutions providers of the world. The best way to approach the problem was by creating a whole new company that can scale and be flexible with the speed needed to succeed. Wise Meetings was created at the Stanford Technology Entrepreneurship class by Santiago.

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